
Friday, June 21, 2024

A Tale of Two Training Runs

After I was done pouting about what I considered a disappointing performance at Capital Backyard last month, I decided that I had become too comfortable with my training. I was no longer practicing “getting comfortable with being uncomfortable” or acclimating myself to the discomfort that is almost guaranteed to occur at some point during a multiday backyard race. So I decided to induce some discomfort during my longer training runs as I begin my build up for my next race. My goal was to cover 25 miles with a 20 ounce bottle of water and single SIS gel for my first long run. It was successful in causing a good degree of discomfort, but I bailed on the plan and made an aid stop after a little over 21 miles. After quickly chugging some water and cola, I got back out and finished the last 4 miles feeling great. The goal for my long run the following weekend was 20 miles with the same amount of water and single SIS gel. It was pretty uncomfortable in the heat of the day again, but this time I exceeded my target and covered 21 miles. Will intentionally making my training runs less comfortable help me at my next backyard ultra? Who knows, but I’m excited to find out!

Scott Snell 
21 June 2024

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